The concept of sustainability is becoming more and more crucial to the operations of both public and private commercial entities every year.
The sustainability permeates our present behaviours and future decisions in its three dimensions – environmental, social and economic – and directs them to produce security, health, inclusion and equitable development.
It also reduces inequalities between people, economic systems, communities and the whole planet favouring, in the end, the balance between economic and human development.

Interbox S.A. says that while sustainability is a virtue that should be sought with all possible vigor and it’s a responsibility that must encompass the ethical, social and economic facets of life as well, not just the environment.

Interbox S.A. is fully aware that every action, procedure and choice has an effect on the local natural and social environment and on people’s overall wellbeing, particularly in the industry in which the Company operates. For this reason, the Company works diligently every day to balance its operations with the welfare of the environment and of everyone who is, directly or indirectly, affected by its activity.

Our Company acknowledges and supports the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’s objectives, subscribing five basic principles: people, planet, prosperity, peace and cooperation.

Under the direct supervision of ownership and with the involvement of the appointed company functions, Interbox S.A. is guided by these fundamental principles and constantly employs the most cutting-edge technologies, in accordance with national and international regulations on the environment and sustainability, paying close attention to all aspects of product and production process, from design to material selection, from manufacturing to reuse.
All of this translates into concentrating more to the handling of production waste which, through special processing with minimal impact on the environment, enables us to transform it to obtain raw materials for new containers and pallets creation, intended for all industrial sectors that use products with no direct contact with food.

For Interbox S.A. “Sustainability rhymes with Solidarity”: social ethics has been a prerogative from the beginning.

These values represent a cornerstone that has always characterized Interbox philosophy, making sustainability and social ethics one of the cornerstones of her way of business.

Interbox S.A. believes it’s important to have a special attention to issues of inclusion and minorities as well as, more broadly, to all ethnic, religious, cultural and gender concern. Our team is made of many ethnicities and religions.

With our Human Resources division, we work to implement an internal policy putting the individual at the middle of the business. Professional development initiatives are coordinated with individual career plans and supported by ongoing internal and external training with a particular focus on workplace safety. We continuously assess the results of our efforts because we think that the employee’s satisfaction, together with innovation and ongoing updating, is the success key.

Since many years, our strategy has been to support Competence Centers, Observatories and Strategic Programs in order to identify and address any situations of economic-productive inequality, a lack of human capital, or ineffective innovation processes that may affect our stakeholders from economic sustainability perspective and, particularly, responsible investment.

Interbox S.A. thinks that the building of a sustainable future also involves the idea of “fair remuneration”. We believe that human and financial capital represent our lifeblood and this allows us to discuss economic and social sustainability at the corporate level. All of this results into a system of internal control by our offices in charge, ensuring that each person’s work and dedication are compensated in a fair and sustainable way based on market data.

Why do we act this way?

Because we think there is a clear connection between ethical investments and the benefits that may be obtained in terms of company welfare, retaining our suppliers and customers, and also the environment.