A type of floating jetties developed to match reliable performance, ease of application in sheltered marinas with a limited investment.

Easy 220, Easy 170:
qualità e resistenza
Ideal solution for protect tourist ports. A type of floating jetties developed to match reliable performance, ease of application with an inexpensive investment.
Floating structures are made of hot-dip zinc-plated IPE 160 profile beams in EN ISO 1461 standard with eyebolts made by means of solid steel rod Ø 25 mm.

Every module has hot moulded steel mooring rings assembled to the frame with the help of bolts. Easy jetties are equipped for water and power supply, easy to reach for the safe access system and the help of service pedastals (electricity or water) made of HDPE and Inox.

The walking surface made of resin staves can be in full deck or with service ducts (one for Easy 170).

These staves, designed and manufactured by Interbox Marinas, fully reflect the company’s philosophy of environment respect.
The polyolefin resin, in fact, allows the preservation of tropical forests.
In addition, they’re very similar to the colorations of natural teak, but completely free of the splinters typical of wood, safe use even when barefoot.